Cleff & Schweers
Ceramics and paper casting
Vernissage 25. October 2019
Ausstellungsdauer 06. September to 26. October 2019
We began the 2019/20 exhibition season with an exciting juxtaposition: on the one hand, the delicate, flowing works on paper by André Schweers; on the other, the reduced, minimalist small sculptures made of ceramics by Michael Cleff with their reference to basic geometric forms.
André Schweers is well known to many of you, indeed many of you already own a work by this artist and enjoy it daily. Therefore, as an extension and addition to the series of works you are familiar with, the "Scripturale" and "Folianten", we showed his paraffin works, which change these themes in colour and painting in a very intriguing way. The translucent wax makes his works even more narrative and mysterious.
Michael Cleff exhibited at the gallery for the first time. We are very pleased that we were able to win Michael Cleff for the gallery and hope for a long-term and successful collaboration here as well. Michael Cleff's sculptures impress with their concentrated power, which they derive from their simplicity and their unity. Closed, building-like complexes whose inner life can only be guessed at, and open plans that seem like floor plans of an imaginary house.
Are there connections or only opposites? Where does one go when walking along the wall of Cleff's structures? To the edge of the pool? To which one? Does that make sense?
Questions upon questions were answered this evening by Ms Gabi Dewald, journalist, Mr Bernd Bentler and of course the two artists Michael Cleff and André Schweers.
A wonderful catalogue has been produced for this exhibition. Catalogue Michael Cleff and André Schweers Along the wall to the edge of the pool
In addition, one day earlier, the exhibition opening of André Schweers took place in the house of the Association of German Paper Factories (VDP). Here André Schweers presented additional series of works.