Marius Singer infinite - immeasurable

Painting, works on paper and sculptures

Whether you like it or not: there is simply no getting around the intense effect, the fascinating charisma of Marius Singer's works. On the one hand, they focus the viewer's gaze in the depths of an imaginary space, on the other hand, the strong, vibrant colours flood towards the viewer. The paintings invite the viewer to contemplative lingering, although the colours sometimes have a downright signalling effect. Incompatible opposites?

Although at first glance his paintings appear easy to understand and quickly comprehensible, Marius Singer takes a daring and arduous path. On this path, the artist has to unite two positions that seem to us to be completely contradictory, to merge them into something completely new. It is about the opposites of concrete painting and full abstraction. It is about a path into concrete abstraction. Marius Singer has already achieved a great deal on this path. We only perceive his abstract compositions as landscapes because the artist leads us to them. A small horizontal guide line creates the landscape in us. And this landscape arises in our minds because man likes to rediscover the familiar. And so Marius Singer unites almost all the landscapes of this world in one picture. Everyone sees the landscape they carry within them, the landscape they like to remember. A „landscape“ in which all are contained, indeed almost the „landscape itself“.

And so images of infinite expanse and immeasurable depth are created, images that take people on a journey to the ends of the earth, and yes, sometimes even to the infinite expanse and immeasurable depth of their own souls.

But that is only one aspect of Marius Singer's art. On the opening evening, he wants to show us that the artist is so much more. Unfortunately, he did not want to tell us specifically what he is planning. Only a small hint could be elicited from him. There will be moving pictures and it will be musical....? Whatever the artist is planning. We do not know. But we gave him a free hand for this surprise. What could be better for a gallery than creative artists?

We would like to cordially invite you to this very surprising and certainly exciting experience for all of us, but also to contemplative viewing of the works of art and to good conversations in the gallery.

Sincerely yours


Jenny Geißler and Bernd Bentler