Heinz Mack
(* 1931 Lollar)
1931 Born in Lollar, Hesse
1950 – 1953 Studies with state examination at the Düsseldorf Academy of Arts
1956 State examination in philosophy at the University of Cologne
1957 Joint founding of the ZERO group with Otto Piene in Düsseldorf. One year later Mack takes part in Documenta II in Kassel and receives the Art Prize of the City of Krefeld.Mack receives the Premio Marzotto.
1962 – 1968 followed by major working expeditions to the Algerian Desert and the Arctic.
1964 – 1966 Mack maintains a studio in New York and participates in Documenta III.
1965 the artist is honoured with the 1st Prix arts plastiques of the 4th Biennale de Paris.
1970 he receives a professorship for a teaching assignment in Osaka (Japan) and becomes a full member of the Akademie der Künste, Berlin, of which he is a member until 1992. In the same year, he represents the Federal Republic of Germany at the XXXV Venice Biennale together with Uecker, Pfahler and Lenk.
1976 followed by major working expeditions to the Algerian Desert and the Arctic.
1979 The 1st prize of the international competition Light 79 of the Netherlands is awarded to
1992 the Grand Culture Prize of the Rhineland Savings Banks Association follows.
2004 the artist receives the Grand Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in recognition of his work and his work as an ambassador of cultures.
Mack lives and works in Mönchengladbach and on Ibiza.
Ausstellungen (Auswahl)
2020 Werkstattgalerie Hermann Noack, Berlin, Germany
2020 Parra & Romero, Madrid, Spain
2019 Musée Théodore-Monod d’art africain, Dakar
2019 Cortesi Gallery, Mailand, Italy
2019 Galerie Henze & Ketterer, Wichtrach, Switzerland
2018 Goethe Museum, Düsseldorf, Germany
2018 Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie, Bielefeld, Germany
2017 Sperone Westwater, New York, USA
2017 Ben Brown Fine Arts, Hong Kong
2017 Galerie Geiger, Konstanz, Germany
2017 Akademiegalerie, Düsseldorf, Germany
2016 Sakip Sabanci Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
2016 Arndt Art Agency, Berlin, Germany
2016 Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie, Bielefeld, Germany
2016 Arndt Fine Art, Singapore
2016 Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France
2016 Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (The Sky Over Nine Columns), Valencia, Spain
2016 Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art, Düsseldorf, Germany
2016 Galerie Heinz Holtmann, Köln, Germany
2016 Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art in Kooperation mit Wienerroither & Kohlbacher, Wien, Austria
2016 Galleria Gentili, Florenz, Italy
2016 Galerie Breckner, Düsseldorf, Germany
2015 Ben Brown Fine Arts, London
2015 Galerie Geiger, Konstanz, Germany
2015 MDZ Art Gallery, Knokke, Germany
2015 Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden, Germany
2015 Sakip Sabanci Museum (The Sky Over Nine Columns), Istanbul, Turkey
2015 Galerie Trampler, München, Germany
2015 Ulmer Museum, Ulm, Germany
2015 Museum Küppersmühle, Duisburg, Germany
2014 Galerie Malingue, Paris, France
2014 Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art, Düsseldorf, Germany
2014 Sperone Westwater, New York, USA
2014 Galerie Arndt, Singapore
2014 Leopold-Hoesch-Museum & Papiermuseum, Düren, Germany
2014 The Sky Over Nine Columns (realisiert von Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art und Sigifredo di Ca, Venedig, Italy
2013 Galerie Geiger, Konstanz, Germany
2013 Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie, Bielefeld, Germany
2013 Munich Highlights - Internationale Kunstmesse Residenz (Galerie Beck & Eggeling; Düsseldorf), München, Germany
2012 Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U Zentrum, Dortmund, Germany
2012 Galerie Florian Trampler, München, Germany
2012 Galerie Denise René, Paris, France
2012 Galerie Arndt, Berlin, Germany
2011 Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der BRD, Bonn, Germany
2011 Stiftung museum kunst palast, Düsseldorf, Germany
2011 Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany
2011 Kulturspeicher, Würzburg, Germany
2011 Sperone Westwater Gallery, New York, USA
2011 Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie, Bielefeld, Germany
2011 Galerie Beck & Eggeling, Düsseldorf, Germany
2011 Galerie am Lindenplatz, Vaduz
2011 Galerie C. Art, Dornbirn, Austria
2011 Galerie Holtmann, Köln, Germany
2011 Ben Brown Fine Arts, Hongkong
2011 Galerie Geiger, Konstanz, Germany
2011 Galerie Swetec, Düsseldorf, Germany
2010 Galerie Florian Trampler, München, Germany
2010 Samuelis Baumgarte Galerie, Bielefeld, Germany
2010 Ben Brown Fine Arts, London
Heinz Mack - artist, constructor, inventor and discoverer. At the end of the 1950s, the German artist founded the ZERO group in Düsseldorf and, together with Otto Piene and Günther Uecker, created a new avant-garde that had a major influence on the development of art in Europe and America. His central artistic theme is light. Non-objective pictures and sculptures are brought to life by light. The multifaceted oeuvre leads beyond painting to light reliefs and light cubes and to this day to an enormous variety of different sculptures such as stelae, rotors, reliefs, mirrors, sculpture projects in untouched landscapes or artificial light environments. His Sahara Project is one of the first examples of Land Art.
Since 1990 Mack has turned again to pure colour in his painting, which he himself calls "chromatic constellations". In his colour spaces, a dynamic principle of light and colour emerges, creating tension and harmony at the same time. True to the artist's motto, colour becomes light and light becomes colour.
Heinz Mack
Kleine Farbchromatik
Heinz Mack
Oktober - 12 Monate
Heinz Mack
Blühende Farben
Heinz Mack
Das Glück der Farben
Heinz Mack
Hommage à Picasso
Heinz Mack
Stunde 9 - 12 Stunden
Heinz Mack
Spektraler Farbklang